6 Gift Projects


Step by step instructions on making 6 different crafty gift projects. Plans come in imperial and metric measurements and are very detailed and easy to read.

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Step-by-step instructions on how to create six different projects that make for excellent gifts. All of these projects utilize basic woodworking tools and can be accomplished at any skill level. The best part about these projects is that they are ideal for batching, allowing you to produce several at the same time. Watch the video below to see how easily these projects come together. The projects include a valet tray, a bandsaw box, a standing picture frame, a desktop clock, a tabletop lamp, and a plant stand.

Tools and Supples Used

Step 1: Add to cart
Step 2: Check out and complete your purchase.
Step 3: After checkout you'll be redirected to a page to download your plans. In addition you'll also receive an email with a link to download the plans.
Step 4: Print your plans on any printer and begin making this folding chair!